COVID Safety Guidelines

YBH COVID-Related Medical Policies

Latest medical guidelines and policies related to COVID
(Updated 8/26/2021)

  1. If you are concerned your child may have COVID, he or she should be kept home. Please assess your child’s health on a daily basis prior to bringing them to school.
  2. The previous pre-COVID standard school illness criteria still need to be followed. For example, a child must be fever-free for 24 hours, without any fever reducing medication, before returning to school.
  3. If any symptomatic family member is awaiting COVID test results– or even if the test has not yet been administered but the person intends to get tested– then your children cannot attend school until ALL test results are in and you are cleared to return. Even if a “rapid” test came back negative, but the family member is awaiting results of a PCR test, no members of your family may come to school until ALL tests have come back negative AND you are cleared to return.
  4. If one plans to get tested and is asymptomatic, please stay out of school for a minimum of 48 hours prior to testing. (Of course, this guideline does not apply to COVID tests taken due to onset of symptoms for the one being tested, which should be taken as soon as deemed medically appropriate.)
  5. Students and staff who were quarantined due to testing positive from COVID or being exposed should be in contact with to discuss when return to school will be allowed. Parents must inform the school (email if a student has come into contact with anyone that tested positive for COVID-19.
  6. If you are unsure if you can attend school, assume you cannot until cleared by YBH.
  7. Please reach out to with any questions.