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Welcome to YBH
We are thrilled that you are considering YBH to partner with you in your children’s חינוך. We are honored and humbled by your interest in our unique blend of passionate commitment to Torah-true growth, pursuit of excellence in both לימודי קדש and General Studies, and primary focus on inculcating the next דור with מידות טובות and mentschlichkeit. Our graduates are highly sought after by a wide variety of Mesivtos and high schools, a testament to the desire for constant growth in תורה, עבודה, ויראת שמים that typifies our YBH family.
What are the key foundations, the basic יסודות, that form the bedrock of YBH’s chinuch? First and foremost, we surround our children with love and attention, creating a happy and nurturing environment that promotes the self-esteem of each individual student. If children feel supported and comfortable, they will develop the confidence to take risks in their learning, moving beyond their comfort zones to develop new skills and strive for learning goals that may seem beyond their reach. Students are reassured by knowing that their Rabbeim, moros, and teachers are there for them, to catch them if they stumble and set them back on the path to growth.
Into the fertile soil of self-esteem, we plant the seeds for a lifetime of learning. The first ingredient is a love of learning: if we present our לימודים in a manner that stimulates and engages our children, they will be intrinsically motivated to seek out knowledge and wisdom long beyond their academic careers and time in yeshiva. Even if a specific בלאט גמרא, a certain פרק חומש, or a particular area of history or science was not covered in school, a child whose natural curiosity and wonderment has been kindled will seek growth outside of the confines of yeshiva over a lifetime ahead. Hand-in-hand with love of learning come the skills for learning: a student who has learned how to analyze a רש”י, find a שרש, or employ scientific method can apply these generalized skills to any area of independent learning that they encounter in the future. Finally, we are dedicated to the development of the character and sensitivity of our תלמידים. In order to be a genuine עובד השם, a Torah Jew must prioritize his relationship with his fellow men as much as his connection to Hashem, making a קידוש שם שמים wherever life takes him or her.
Happy, confident children, imbued with sterling מידות and a burning desire to independently learn and grow for a lifetime– these are the children of YBH.
Come join our YBH family!
Rabbi Shlomo Schwartz, Menahel